Innovative Health Initiative (IHI)

European Partnerships are initiatives where the EU together with private and/or public partners commit to jointly support the development and implementation of a programme of research and innovation activities.  These will continue to be a feature in Horizon Europe.   In the area of Health, the largest partnership of Joint undertaking was the Innovative Medicines Initiatives (IMI).   The Innovative Medicines Initiatives (IMI) will transition in the future to Innovative Health Initiative (IHI).  This will enable the active engagement of other industry sectors to capitalise on their expertise in the development of new healthcare interventions.

The Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) Partnership will be between EU represented by the European Commission and health related industries

•Pharmaceutical companies(EFPIA) incl. biopharmaceuticalcompanies (EBE)

•Medicalimaging, radiotherapy, healthICT and electro-medicalcompanies (COCIR)

•Medicaltechnologycompanies (MedTechEurope)

•Biotechnologycompanies (EuropaBio)

•Vaccine companies (Vaccines Europe)

Under the Innovative Health Initiatives the research scope will be broadened to include pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, medical devices, imaging, biotech, and digital Industries.  This cross-sector collaboration aims to maintain Europe at the forefront of medical innovation for the benefit of European citizens and healthcare systems.

The Goals of The Innovation Partnership Initiative (IHI)

  • Fast delivery of the most pertinent and safe innovative solutions
  • to prevent, diagnose, treat and manage non-communicable and infectious diseases,
  • while preserving the sustainability of the healthcare systems and competitiveness of health industry

Five areas of action for more health, healthcare sustainability and Europe’s competitiveness

  1. Harness advances in and synergies in genetics, biology and technology innovations for less invasive, more precise and effective prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care
  2. Develop patient-centric integrated care solutions along the healthcare continuum
  3. Combine Big Data with advanced analytics/AI to enable R&D and products and services to support integrated healthcare approach
  4. Engaging citizens and patients to manage and improve their health
  5. Reinforce value initiatives to guide investment and rewarding of innovation in health and social care

Find out more about the Innovation Partnership (IHI)