Horizon Europe Cluster 4 Digital Brokerage event


Ideal-ist, the network of National Contact Points for ICT research, in cooperation with the Enterprise Europe Network invites you to participate in a brokerage event with pre-arranged online Face2Face meetings complementing the first Horizon Europe event the Information Day on Cluster 4 - Digital, Industry & Space. This brokerage event is a unique networking opportunity for actors in the DIGITAL field.


Horizon Europe Cluster 4 SPACE Brokerage Event


The Cluster 4 SPACE brokerage event will provide you with the opportunity to discuss and refine your project ideas with potential partners, build collaborations and join consortia.

Horizon Europe Cluster 4 Industry Brokerage event


Bridge2HE, the network of National Contact Points, in cooperation with the Enterprise Europe Network invites you to participate in a brokerage event with pre-arranged Face2Face meetings completing the first Information Day organised by the European Commission on Cluster 4 - Digital, Industry & Space of the Horizon Europe program. This brokerage event is a unique networking opportunity for actors in the Industry field!


EIT Digital’s annual conference


The aim of the EIT Digital Conference is to demonstrate how European innovation ecosystems drive the digital transformation and to reflect on EIT Digital’s impact through education, innovation, and entrepreneurship for a strong digital Europe. The event will gather visionary representatives from industry, startups, investors and the academic world (including EIT Digital Alumni) who will showcase their contribution to the success of EIT Digital’s ecosystem.