Career Development Fellowships in the National Technology Centre Programme


“Career-FIT” is a trans-national scheme launched in 2018 and co-funded by Enterprise Ireland and the European Union, that offers an opportunity for experienced researchers worldwide to develop their careers in market-focused applied research in Ireland’s Technology Centres.

The programme aims to enhance the training and mobility of 50 Experienced Researchers (following two competitive calls) through the undertaking of individually-driven research training programmes, which will be interdisciplinary and focused on the domain areas of 5 designated Technology Centres operating in Ireland.

Each Centre offers excellent facilities and equipment for Fellows to use, and each Fellow’s progression is monitored by an experienced Centre Mentor with additional support from a Professional Development Advisor.

The research period will be 36 months in a Centre where the Fellows have not resided or carried out their main activity in Ireland for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the recruitment. The Fellowship also offers an option for Fellows to take up a secondment of up to 12 months in an enterprise partner of their Host Centre. Currently, there are 350 enterprises affiliated to the Centres (approximately 100 MNCs, 200 indigenous SMEs, and 50 overseas enterprise partners).

Please refer all queries to the Enterprise Ireland Career-FIT Help Desk at:
Telephone: +353 (01) 7272984

2019 – Career-Fit

We are updating this section. For any queries please contact: Micol Martinelli, Career-FIT Programme Manager, Enterprise Ireland

Fellowship Technical Report Template – 6 & 12 Month Report

The fellow will be required to submit a comprehensive report annually, with a shorter report submitted midway through the year.  It will be the responsibility of the fellow to make sure that all progress reports are submitted on time to Enterprise Ireland Contracts Unit subject heading Marie Sklodowska Curie Career-FIT 12 Month report MSCA-201X-200XXX copying Career-FIT Programme Manager, Academic Mentor and Company Mentor.

Standard Financial Report Form

This report is prepared by Financial Department of the Host Organisation and is sent to Enterprise Ireland Contracts Unit Fellows need to remind the Host Organisation about this report to be sent every 12 months.

Project Alteration Form

Your completed form should be submitted by email to the Contracts Unit


Claims and project alteration forms that are not fully completed, will be returned.

Centre for Applied Data Analytics (CeADAR)      

CeADAR is a market-focused technology center for innovation and the application of Big Data Analytics and visulisation.They drive the accelerated development, deployment and adoption of Big Data Analytics and Visualisation.

Dr. Cristian Bosch Serrano     Dr. Claudia Ximena Mazo Vargas     Dr. Santos Fernandez Noguerol    Dr. Paul Nulty      Dr. Angelina Espinoza Limon      Dr. Lilian Genaro Motti Ader    Dr. Mamoona Asghar     Dr. Ayman Farahat    Dr. Selja Seppälä     Dr. Hamidreza Rabiei Dastjerdi       Dr. Nadia Kanwal

Learnovate Centre         

Learnovate is a research and innovation Centre focused on EdTech and learning technologies.  With over twenty full-time researchers and practitioners, Learnovate has one of the richest concentrations of EdTech expertise in Europe.

Dr. Benoit Bossavit

Irish Centre for Composites Research (ICOMP)       

IComp is the link between industry and the extensive resources dedicated to composite materials available in Irish third level institutions. Directed by our industry members, IComp’s work is focused on solving technical challenges encountered on a daily basis and supporting research and development activity.

 Dr. Aswani Kumar Bandaru      Dr. Shaheen Sarkar        Dr. Pierre Aumjaud        Dr. Tamer Sebaey      Dr. Suheda Isikli     Dr. Andrew Gallagher     Dr. Ajay Kumar Kadiyala      Dr. Carlos-Isam Bachour Srerol     Dr. Hossein Rajabinejad 

Irish Manufacturing Research Centre (IMR)

ICMR is a consortium of leading manufacturers collaborating to develop an ‘embedded’ manufacturing research and development program, enabling: Manufacturing innovation, an enabler for future investment breakthrough productivity solutions growth in SMEs & high-tech start-ups.

 Dr. Dallan Byrne        Dr. Dongxu Wu

Meat Technology Ireland (MTI)

Meat Technology Ireland is an industry-led initiative that will build a strategic research and innovation base in beef and sheepmeat processing in Ireland.

Dr. Amélie Rouger        Dr. Alessandro Ferragina        Dr. Mohammed Gagaoua

Dairy Processing Technology Centre (DPTC)     

The Dairy Processing Technology Centre (DPTC) is an industry–academic collaborative research centre, hosted by the University of Limerick, with a research agenda driven by the long-term growth opportunities for the dairy sector.

Dr. Ultan Cronin          Dr. Diana Oliveria       Dr. Nivedita Datta         Dr. Ritika Puri       Dr. Nanik Purwanti       Dr. Prateek Sharma       Dr. Tania Palmeiro        Dr. Anita Pax

Food for Health Ireland (FHI)   

Food for Health Ireland (FHI) is one of the biggest technology centres in Ireland and its purpose is to identify novel ingredients coming from milk to develop functional food ingredients which will offer health benefits to consumers. The research is focusing on infant nutrition, healthy cheese, appetite modulation, performance nutrition and healthy ageing as well as products that can be used to manage elevated glucose levels.

Dr. Elena Maria Arranz Gutierrez       Dr. Celia Rodríguez Pérez       Dr. Aleksandra Konic Ristic      Dr. Kata Trifkovic      Dr. Sergei Kushnir          Dr. Ambarnil Ghosh           Dr. Janine Wirth        Dr. Thirugnanasambandham Karchiyappan

Pharmaceutical Technology Centre (PMTC)   

The PMTC was established in December 2013 and is led by an industry steering board with an active research program, in leading Irish RPOs, driven by its industry members. Companies access PMTC to create projects & execute world-beating industry-relevant research in advanced technology solutions which address contemporary manufacturing issues.

Dr. Waleed Faisal    Dr. Ganga Chinna Rao Devarapu       Dr. Semen Vasilev       Dr. Tarlan Eslami      Dr. Alexander Krok

Please refer all queries to the Enterprise Ireland Career-FIT Help Desk at:

Telephone: +353 (01) 727 2984


Micol Martinelli, Career-FIT Programme Manager, Enterprise Ireland

Career-FIT Program Participants

CeADAR – Centre for Applied Data Analytics

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DPTC – Dairy Processing Technology Centre

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FHI – Food For Health Ireland

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IComp – Irish Centre for Composites Research

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IMR – Irish Manufacturing Research Centre

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MTI – Meat Technology Ireland

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PMTC – Pharmaceutical Technology Centre

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 713654.

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