EU Missions info days

EU Missions info days event aims to inform potential applicants about the new topics included in the EU Missions work programme 2023 .If you are interested in funding opportunities for projects helping to reach the EU Missions goals in the areas of health, climate and the environment then this event is for you.

Horizon Europe Cluster 2 info day

This info day aims to inform potential applicants about the research topics included in the 2023 calls under Cluster 2 'Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Societies'.

Horizon Europe Cluster 2 brokerage event for Work Programme 2023

Horizon Europe Cluster 2 brokerage event for Work Programme 2023 is a match-making event which will bring together participants from all over Europe and beyond. It will present a unique opportunity to generate new contacts and to build up project consortia. Participants will have the opportunity to pre-arrange meetings with other participants in order to identify possible collaborators and to facilitate the setup of Horizon Europe project consortia.

AI, data and robotics on-line info day and brokerage


During this online event, the European Commission will present the Horizon Europe calls open in 2023 that concern AI, Data and Robotics. There will be the opportunity to ask questions about the topics presented. Additionally, there will be a brokerage session, where you are invited to present a short pitch for a project idea, or specific expertise you can offer a consortium planning to prepare a proposal.


ECS Brokerage 2023


The ECS Brokerage Event combines the brokerage activities of the industry associations AENEAS, EPoSS and Inside into one networking event dedicated to project proposals in the field of Electronic Components and Systems.

A Cloud for All

This event aims to kick-start the formation of a community of practice between cultural heritage professionals and demonstrate how the European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage can be useful in their everyday work.