European Innovation Council online Info Day – Work Programme 2024


A full one day online event will take place to present The European Innovation Council (EIC) Work Programme 2024 on Monday 15th January 2024 followed by an online info day dedicated to the EIC Accelerator Challenges under the Work Programme 2024 on 16th January.

Research to Reality – Digital Solutions to European Challenges

The Egg

This event will address critical questions: How can Europe’s research on digital technologies help to achieve the ambitions of its Digital Decade and of the twin transition? How does Europe gain strategic leadership in key digital technologies, with real benefits for its citizens and businesses? What are the challenges for creating a well-streamlined European digital funding and investment landscape, and how to overcome them?

Research Perspectives on the Health Impacts of Climate Change

The high-level conference “Research Perspectives on the Health Impacts of Climate Change” will bring together climate change and health researchers, funders and policymakers to reflect on the current challenges, priorities and needs for research and researchers in this area. Additionally, the conference will support the launch of a strategic research and innovation agenda (SRIA) identifying the priority topics for the years to come on climate change and health research.

High Level workshop on Synergies between Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking and national/regional relevant R&I initiatives in aviation

This high-level workshop will present the benefits of establishing synergies between EU and regional & national programmes (including for example from the Cohesion Policy Funds/ERDF) and will outline future developments and opportunities. It will showcase key achievements and futureplans in the aviation sector from the Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking, a European public-private partnership between the European Commission through Horizon Europe and the European aeronautics industry. It implements the European Union’s leading research and innovation programme for transforming aviation towards a sustainable and climate-neutral future.

Mission “Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030” Annual Forum: towards 2030


The Mission “Restore our Ocean and Waters” Annual Forum takes place 5 March 2024. The purpose is to take stock of the Mission’s progress and major achievements, at mobilising relevant actors around key Mission deliverables and also preparing the ground for the next phase of the Mission, moving from demonstration to deployment.

European Research and Innovation Days – 20th and 21st March 2024

Over 20th and 21st March 2024, The European Commission’s annual flagship research and innovation event brings together policymakers, researchers, entrepreneurs, and the public to debate and shape the future of research and innovation in Europe and beyond.