Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium (CERIC) is a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) integrating and providing open access to some of the most advanced analytical facilities in Europe to help science and industry advance in all fields of materials, biomaterials and nanotechnology, with a focus on energy materials and life sciences. CERIC-ERIC offers access through a single-entry point to more than 60 different and complementary state of the art techniques and support laboratories, distributed in 11 countries, with the submission of single or multi-technique proposals.

CERIC Call for Proposals is open

Access to CERIC is open to scientists from all over the world and free of charge, provided the results end data are made available to the community in a reasonable time, according to our Scientific Data Policy.

It offers 60+ labs, instruments and analytical techniques in Europe including three JRC research facilities, it’s free of charge for researchers and there is support for mobility and accommodation under certain conditions.

In this call the JRC Battery Energy Storage Testing Laboratory and the JRC Fuel Cell and Electrolyser Testing Laboratory (Petten, NL) are available for the first time.

The JRC Nanobiotechnology Laboratory (Ispra, Italy) continues to offer access.

Read more and Apply here 

02/09/2024 17:00 CEST to have a pre-evaluation and the possibility to improve your proposal
01/10/2024 17:00 CEST final submission, recommended only for users that are expert in all the techniques requested.