Dr Gerard Kennedy
National Contact Point (NCP) for Horizon Europe Cluster 4 - Digital, NCP and Delegate for the Joint Research Centre (JRC) and NCP and National Representative for the Smart Networks and Services (SNS) Joint Undertaking
Organisation: Enterprise Ireland
Gerard is a National Contact Point (NCP) for Horizon Europe Cluster 4 - Digital, NCP and Delegate for the Joint Research Centre (JRC) and NCP and National Representative for the Smart Networks and Services (SNS) Joint Undertaking. Since 2007 he has been employed by Enterprise Ireland as a National Expert and NCP for Information and Communication Technologies for EU research Framework Programmes (e.g FP7, H2020 and Horizon Europe), with experience of proposal evaluation and project monitoring and reviewing for the European Commission. Gerard is an Electronics Engineer, with graduate and post-graduate degrees in Electronic and Computer Engineering from the University of Limerick (UL). Prior to joining Enterprise Ireland, he had 30 years’ hands-on experience (1977-2007) working with Irish multinational companies and SMEs, and with the Circuits and Systems Research Centre at UL. His work during this period included the research, simulation, design, implementation, piloting, and testing of a wide range of electronic and computer systems used in a broad spectrum of applications.