The EIC Transition Open and challenges aim at funding innovation activities that go beyond the experimental proof of principle in laboratory. The EIC Transition Open is twofold, supporting both the maturation and validation of a novel technology, and the development of a business case and business model towards the innovation’s future commercialisation.
EIC Transition projects should address both technology and market/business dimensions where iterative learning processes based on early customer feedback is possible. These activities should include a suitable mix of research, technology development and validation activities to increase the maturity of the technology beyond proof of principle to viable demonstrators of the technology in the intended field of application (i.e. up to Technology Readiness Level 5 to 6) in the attempt to address market readiness towards commercialisation and deployment, as well as other aspects of regulation, certification and standardisation, aimed at getting both the technology and the business idea investment-ready.
The objectives of the EIC Transition are to mature both the technology and business idea to increase the project’s technology and its market readiness. By doing this, the EIC Transition offers its applicants a solid support to deliver on the market a technology that is effective for its intended application, as well as a successful business model and business plan for its development to the market.
The EIC considers proposal with a requested EU contribution of up to a EUR 2.5 million as appropriate. Requesting larger amount is possible if properly justified.
Quick Summary
Type of Action: Research and Innovation Action
Funding Rate: 100% Eligible costs
Eligibility Conditions:
Your proposal must build on results (demonstrated proof of principle) achieved within an eligible project. As Transition funding is a new scheme, for 2021 it is restricted to applications based on results generated by the following eligible projects:
- EIC Pathfinder projects (including projects funded under EIC pilot Pathfinder, Horizon 2020 FET-Open, FET-Proactive) and FET Flagships calls (including ERANET calls under the FET work programme)
- European Research Council (ERC) Proof of Concept projects
You can apply for EIC Transition either as:
- A single legal entity established in a Member State or an Associated Country (‘mono-beneficiary’) if you are an SME or a research performing organisation (university, research or technology organisation, including teams, individual Principle Investigators and inventors in such institutions who intend to form a spinout company). Larger companies (i.e. which do not qualify as SMEs) are not eligible to apply as a single legal entity; or
- A small consortium of minimum two and maximum five independent legal entities (‘multi-beneficiary’) that may for example include universities, research organisations, SMEs or larger companies, user/customer organisations or potential end users (e.g. hospitals, utilities, industry, regulatory and standardisation bodies, public authorities).
Proposal Template: Specific, in terms of content and limit of pages for the three sections Excellence, Impact and Implementation (25 Pages).
Evaluation Form: Specific
Relevant document: EIC Transition open and Challenge Guidelines, available under Topic Conditions and Documents section of the Call for Proposals or via the EIC website dedicated webpage.
The link for EIC Transition Action opportunities can be found at Search Funding & Tenders (