Sustain-FIT is an innovative postdoctoral research programme launched in 2025 and co-funded by Enterprise Ireland and the European Union. It aims to provide international and intersectoral mobility to incoming researchers to the Republic of Ireland in the area of industrially focused climate action and sustainability research.
Through this programme, 50 talented, experienced researchers will be awarded a three-year Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship, and benefit from a structured career development framework including a mandatory 6-12 month secondment to the partner enterprise.
Its research and innovation focus is on the Green Deal eight policy pillars: clean energy, sustainable industry, building and renovating, sustainable mobility, biodiversity, sustainable food systems, eliminating pollution and climate neutrality. Digitalisation projects that benefit Green Deal objectives are also supported.
Sustain-FIT will develop a new cadre of researchers who can move seamlessly to industry in Europe bringing high levels of research expertise in an area of high priority: industrially focused sustainable research.
Please refer all queries to the Enterprise Ireland Sustain-FIT Help Desk at:
Telephone: +353 (01) 7272984

Co-funded by the European Union