Anne-Marie Daly



Website Administrator

Articles by Anne-Marie

The next pandemic: ensuring a coherent EU response

Funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme to the tune of €10 million, PANDEM-2 aims to enhance and harmonise pandemic response across the EU. Effectively, Connolly says, the project will give EU member states a training platform for pandemic preparedness and response.

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Steering the way to better electric vehicle batteries

The drive to Net Zero and the need for all of us to help reduce emissions means that electric vehicles (EVs) need to become completely commonplace. The rate of EV uptake needs to improve, however, and for that to happen, EV batteries need to be cheaper, recharge faster and enable vehicles to go further without needing to be charged.

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Europe scales up 6G research investments and selects 35 new projects worth €250 million

The Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) selected its first portfolio of 35 research, innovation, and trial projects to enable the evolution of 5G ecosystems and promote 6G research in Europe. With a combined funding for this new portfolio of around €250 million under Horizon Europe, the aim is to build a first-class European supply chain for advanced 5G systems and build Europe’s 6G technology capacities.

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EUREKA-SMART 6th Call PO Deadline 30th January 2023

The SMART 6th Call for Projects is open until 30th of January 2023 where you will be able to submit your Project Outlines (which is a short overview of a concept, objectives of a project and the partnership even if they are not entirely settled).

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