Brigid Burke

National Contact Point (NCP) for Horizon Europe Legal and Financial rules

Organisation: Enterprise Ireland

Brigid is the recently appointed National Contact Point for Legal and Financial rules and Senior Executive for Horizon Europe at Enterprise Ireland. She previously held a senior role in Enterprise Ireland's Corporate Marketing and Communications department with responsibility for communications strategy, social media strategy, PR and media relations and was the project-lead for an international digital marketing campaign to promote the Irish travel-tech sector. Her early career was in broadcast journalism, working full-time in national radio and television.

Articles by Brigid

5G-STARDUST: building the networks of the future

The ability to easily connect to the internet is increasingly taken for granted in the developed world. But the latest United Nations study found that a third of the world’s population remains unconnected to the World Wide Web, with those in poor and remote areas most affected. 5G-STARDUST, or Satellite and Terrestrial Access for Distributed, Ubiquitous, and Smart Telecommunications, is a Horizon Europe-funded project that may help to tackle the digital divide.

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Working out ways to tackle age-related muscle loss

Sarcopenia, or age-related muscle loss, is a primary cause of loss of physical independence in the elderly, and the focus of one recent Horizon-funded research study. “The need for effective treatment strategies that can slow or reverse age-related muscle loss is essential if a future crisis is to be avoided,” says Dr Robert Radford, project lead of Pept-AGE at Nuritas.

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