• Priority topics:
  1. detection and characterisation of micro(nano)plastics in media contributing to human exposure (such as food, air and water in the domestic water supply chain).
  2. detection and characterisation of advanced materials such as nanomaterials (including ingredients, additives and supplements in food) within various matrices (e.g., food, food packaging) and their interactions with biological systems.
  3. characterisation of liposomal based products and m-RNA lipid nanoparticles systems. Bio-macromolecules characterisation and interaction studies. Applications: diagnostics, treatment, detection of diseases and pathogens.
  • access costs are
  • JRC may cover travel and subsistencecosts for users from institutions located in countries eligible for the Horizon Europe Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation Action => check conditions in the call!


Candidate users can contact us at JRC-OPEN-NANOBIOTECH@ec.europa.eu to assess feasibility aspects about their project proposals before the submission.

Deadline for applications is 21 May 2024. Please check the call for further info.